Participation Guidelines and Submission Checklist
Instructions for Participation
- Select a key message related to nutrition and health that you want to communicate.
- In no more than 50 words (in English), pitch your infographic idea. While infographics can relay information, the best ones will have a clear "take-home" message or recommendation.
- Have your pitch reviewed by your advisor or supervisor to gather feedback and make any necessary changes for accuracy and clarity.
- Once your pitch is approved, start designing your infographic. It should be visually appealing, eye-catching, and use minimal text.
- When choosing images, ensure they are properly cited (must be Creative Commons, public domain, or original works).
- Provide a list of 10-15 references to support the information in your infographic.
- Use Canadian data for any Canada-specific information (e.g., current dairy intake).
Submission Checklist
Form Fields Completed
Contact information
Infographic title
Infographic summary (50 words or less, excluding references)
Permission to share infographic / Copyright permission granted
Documents Uploaded
List of 10-15 references
Headshot photograph of the submitting author
Infographic (correctly labeled in PDF format); file name should include the author's last name, first name, and infographic title (e.g., Doe Jane. Satiety and Health.pdf)
Note: There are no specific dimension requirements for the infographic PDF. However, if selected, you are required to attend the full conference in-person in Montreal, Quebec. The printed infographic must be full-color, sized between 24" x 36" minimum and 42" x 42" maximum.
Other Requirements
1-3 references (e.g., reviews, key papers) are included on the infographic in APA format
Sources for images and figures are cited on the infographic
Infographic has been reviewed by an academic supervisor for scientific rigor
You are a current CNS member
For additional support, refer to the Resource Development Checklist, a supplemental guide to help you develop infographics for the CNS Nutrigraphic Competition. This checklist provides helpful guidance for creating impactful visuals.
Technical Specifications for PDF Infographic Upload
- File size must be below 10 MB.
- There are no specific requirements for the dimensions of the infographic .pdf for upload purposes. However, please note that if you are selected, you are required to attend the full conference, in-person, in Montreal, Quebec and the physical printing requirements will be: full colour, sized 24” x 36” minimum to 42” x 42” maximum.
- The file must be saved as a .pdf. No other formats will be accepted.
- Optimize for screen, not for print
- Save as a standard .pdf
- Do not save as "press-ready"; high-quality print resolution not required for the upload
- Printer-ready features such as crop marks not necessary