Annual Conference Equity in Nutrition Travel Award

The Canadian Nutrition Society (CNS) is committed to advancing equity, justice, and belongingness and fostering a positive and inclusive environment for all members. CNS is also committed to supporting the Canadian nutrition community in participating in research and practice that effectively engages with and addresses structural determinants and inequities. This includes addressing barriers to participation in the Society and its events. Please see CNS’ full statement: CNS Commitment to Advancing Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

The CNS Annual Conference will take place in Edmonton, AB from May 2-4, 2024. CNS will offer 10 Equity in Nutrition Travel Awards to equity deserving groups to attend the annual conference. Should additional funding support be received, CNS may increase the number of awards.


CNS will issue a call for late-breaking /encore abstracts from mid-February to mid-March. These abstract submissions will only be eligible for an Equity in Nutrition Travel Award if additional travel awards are available to be offered (i.e., the 10 awards have not already been distributed).

Award Package

Equity in Nutrition Travel Award recipients will have conference registration fees waived and up to $1200 of travel support to attend the CNS Annual Conference. The monetary amount will be based on distance required to attend the conference. 

To apply:

1. Have all your items ready and prepared to upload to the abstract submission form. This includes:  

2.  Submit an abstract to the CNS Annual Conference by January 31, 2024. On the abstract submission form, you will be asked if you wish to be considered for any awards. Please check all that apply, including the Equity in Nutrition Travel Award if you are eligible and wish to be considered for this award. 

Note: All abstracts will undergo a blind review for acceptance and eligibility for the various abstract awards.  Abstracts that are also being submitted for consideration of an Equity in Nutrition Travel Award will undergo a separate review by the CNS EDI subgroup to identify the 10 Equity in Nutrition Travel Award recipients.

Equity in Nutrition Travel Award Adjudication process

Abstracts that are submitted for consideration of an Equity in Nutrition Travel award will be reviewed by a subgroup of the CNS Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion subgroup. These applications will be treated as confidential.

Review Criteria:

1. Meets all eligibility criteria:

2.    Personal Statement - (300 words or less) that demonstrates:

In identifying the 10 recipients, the reviewers will strive to select a slate of incumbents who are representative of:

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