CNS-SCN Fellow Distinction

A Fellow distinction is an honour that CNS bestows on an individual in recognition of exemplary achievement in the field of nutrition.

“CNS-SCN Fellow” is an exclusive professional distinction that recognizes exceptional service to both the Canadian Nutrition Society (CNS) as well as the broader nutrition profession, both within Canada and globally. The CNS-SCN Fellow designation is an honour bestowed upon a CNS member by their peers in recognition for outstanding contributions to nutrition science and/or practice. 

CNS-SCN Fellows will be inducted during the 2025 CNS Annual Awards Ceremony. They will receive use of FCNS-SCN designation, a recognition award, and one complimentary registration to the CNS-SCN Annual Conference and Awards Banquet where the recipient(s) will be honoured.

Nominations are open from November 1, 2024 to January 31, 2025 and accepted via the CNS Online Award Nomination tool.

 Meet the CNS-SCN Fellows

Eligibility Criteria & Adjudication 

Nominations are submitted, reviewed and selected by other CNS members. A limited number of CNS-SCN Fellows will be awarded each year. The CNS Awards Committee, or other appointed reviewers, will review and score applications according to established criteria under the four domains listed below and make recommendations to the CNS Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will review the recommendations and make the final selection(s).

Eligible nominees:

  1. Contribution to CNS activities (past and present), such as service on a CNS committee, working group, etc.; presentations at CNS events; and authoring publications, guidelines, etc.
  2. Achievements in nutrition research (past and present) such as participation in research grants; oral presentation at conferences; and a strong publication record
    Achievements in nutrition practice (past and present), such as education/mentorship of other nutrition professionals; and demonstrating major innovations in practice.
  1. Contributions to the Canadian nutrition community through things such as published nutrition articles; teaching roles; as well as advocacy efforts, notable appointments, leadership and achievements in governing bodies.
  2. Recognition, reputation and credibility nationally and/or internationally within the nutrition sector.

The following individuals are not eligible to be nominated as a Fellow of CNS:

Nomination Process

Nominations will be open from November 1, 2024 to January 31, 2025.

Nominations must include:

Note: Of the nominator and two referees, at least one must be from a different institution than the nominee. 

© 2025 CNS-SCN - Canadian Nutrition Society