Education Portal Instructions
Available to Everyone. Create or Login to 'Your Library' and Enjoy!
Add to your library in 3 easy steps:
Scroll, filter, or search through the Education Portal to find a recording of interest.
When you find a recording of interest, you will be prompted to “Purchase” (if a fee is involved) or “Add to your library” (when no fee is involved).
Once the recording has been added to your library, you will find the recording in your library for ongoing viewing. If you have already added the recording to your library, you will be shown a “View Recording” option.
Important facts to know about accessing recordings from the CNS Education Portal:
- To access content on the portal, you first need to create your library 'account.' If you don't have one yet, you can set it up for free when prompted. Recordings will be added to your library for ongoing viewing.
- There are no limits on how many times you can view or return to your library.
- Each recording has prices listed. Recording prices vary from:
- Free for everyone
- Free to CNS members / small fee for non-members
- Reduced fee for CNS members / full fee for CNS non-members
- Recordings viewed through the Education Portal are not eligible for Certificates of Attendance.
Are you a CNS Member?
CNS members can access many of the resources in the Education Portal free of charge or at discounted rates. If you are interested in becoming a CNS member to enjoy from this member benefit, click here.
Have Questions?
Please let us know how we can help CNS Education Portal Support