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Empowering Dietitians to Provide Culturally Inclusive Support to Muslims Fasting during Ramadan


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Mark Mattson, Katherine Hillier



Mark Mattson, PhD
Katherine Hillier, RD, MSc


As Canada's population becomes increasingly diverse, healthcare professionals must adapt to meet the needs of various cultural groups, including the growing Muslim community. For dietitians providing services to fasting Muslims during Ramadan in Canada, cultural competence is essential for delivering effective and respectful care. This webinar is designed to equip dietitians with the knowledge and skills necessary to support fasting Muslim clients during this sacred month. Through the lens of dietetic practice, we will delve into the cultural significance of Ramadan, the dietary recommendations for fasting, and the nutritional considerations involved. Participants will gain practical insights into adapting dietary recommendations, addressing challenges explored through our cross-country KAP survey, and promoting optimal health during Ramadan. Additionally, we'll explore communication strategies to facilitate meaningful interactions and build trust with Muslim clients, fostering a supportive environment for dietary counseling. Join us to enhance your proficiency, broaden your cultural understanding, and elevate your ability to provide compassionate and culturally competent nutrition services to fasting Muslims during Ramadan in Canada.


Moderator: Hassan Vatanparast, MD, PhD (USask)


Mark P. Mattson, PhD is the former Chief of the Laboratory of Neurosciences at the National Institute on Aging and is currently adjunct professor of neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. His research has advanced an understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms that control the formation and plasticity of neuronal networks in the brain, and their involvement in brain aging and neurodegenerative disorders. He has also elucidated how the brain responds adaptively to challenges such as fasting and exercise and has used that information to develop novel interventions to promote optimal brain function throughout life. Dr. Mattson is among the most highly cited neuroscientists in the world. He was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and is a recipient of the Metropolitan Life Foundation Medical Research Award and the Alzheimer’s Association Zenith Award. He is the author of the books: THE INTERMITTENT FASTING REVOLUTION; and SCULPTOR and DESTROYER.

He also hosts the BRAIN PONDERINGS podcast.

Katherine Hillier is a Muslim dietitian pursuing a Master’s of Science in Nutrition with the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition at the University of Saskatchewan. Her novel research focuses on identifying RDs knowledge, attitudes, practices and education needs to support Muslim
populations during Ramadan. Katherine has been a passionate leader in research pertaining to Ramadan and to dietitians in Canada, which aims to enhance dietitians’ confidence and competence in supporting Muslims who fast during Ramadan. With over 11 years of firsthand experience observing Ramadan, Katherine blends her professional expertise with a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by those fasting during Ramadan. Katherine has led Ramadan nutrition workshops for Muslims and RDs, and has been recognized by Dietitians of Canada for her academic excellence and contributions to the dietetic field. She has worked as a community and public health dietitian with Indigenous communities in Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan, and is dedicated to enhancing equitable health care, especially for vulnerable populations, such as new Canadians and Indigenous communities.

Original Source: "CNS Education Webinars" Monday, March 25, 2024

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Length: 1:00:59

Type: File

Last Updated: March 29, 2024

Name Type
Ramadan Handaout_Hellier File
March 25_Mattson File
Empowering Dietitians_Recording Video
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