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From Lab to Label: A Look at Crop Protection Products


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Caleigh Hallink-Irwin, Nevin Rosaasen


Caleigh Hallink-Irwin, MSc (CropLife)

Nevin Rosaasen, BScA, MAITP (Alberta Pulse Growers)


During this webinar participants will learn how a pesticide makes it from the lab to the label in Canada. It will provide a look at how a pesticide goes from being discovered in the lab to becoming a registered product for use in Canada. It will explain what type of scientific data is required to support the registration of a pesticide, how that data is generated and the steps in the regulatory approval process. In addition, attendees will learn about the differences and similarities between synthetic pesticides and organic pesticides, how limits for pesticides residues on food are set, and the processes that are in place to ensure all food, no matter how it’s grown, is equally safe and nutritious.
Moderator: Alison Duncan, PhD, RD, FDC (University of Guelph)


Caleigh Hallink-Irwin is the Director of regulatory affairs, chemistry, at CropLife Canada. She holds an MSc in applied entomology from the University of Guelph, and has over 15 years experience working in Canadian agriculture, for both industry and growers. In her current role, Caleigh leads regulatory and policy initiatives, working closely with CropLife members and stakeholders to advance innovation, sustainability, and competitiveness in plant science.

Nevin Rosaasen is a fourth generation farmer from eastern Saskatchewan where he continues to farm with his brother and parents. Nevin holds a bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Agronomy major and a minor in Agricultural Economics as well as a Master of Arts in International Trade Policy from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, California. Nevin has worked at the provincial, National and International levels including publishing at the UN on the New Era of Carbon accounting, Implications for Latin America and Caribbean Exports. Nevin currently works with Alberta Pulse Growers as their Sustainability and Government Relations Lead. Mr. Rosaasen loves working at the grass roots level, and going to work for farmers everyday.

Original Source: "CNS Education Webinars" Thursday, June 20, 2024

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Last Updated: June 21, 2024

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From Lab to Label: A Look at Crop Protection Products Video
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