Malnutrition Prevention, Detection and Treatment Standard 2021: Practical Strategies for Adoption
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Roseann Nasser, David McCutcheon
Roseann Nasser, MSc, RD, FDC, CNSC
David McCutcheon, MD, MBA, CHE, FRCPI, MICGP
Nada Elnabelsya, BSW
Hospital Malnutrition is a serious and widespread health concern that continues to exist in Canada. Up to 1 in 2 adult patients and 1 in 3 pediatric patients are malnourished on admission to hospital. A national hospital standard is vital to the improvement of current practices and can be the building block for public policies around malnutrition. The Canadian Malnutrition Task Force, a standing committee of the Canadian Nutrition Society, and the Health Standards Organization (HSO) have developed Canada's First National Malnutrition Prevention, Detection and Treatment Standard. In this session, presenters from CMTF led initiatives and HSO will review the rigorous, multidisciplinary process undertaken to develop the standard, present key recommendations for nutrition practices, and will share practical strategies to adopt the standard.
- Describe the key components and measures of the Malnutrition Standard
- Identify areas to prevent, detect and treat malnutrition in hospitalized adults and children
- Implement practical strategies for a multidisciplinary approach to manage malnutrition throughout the patient's hospital stay and on discharge.
About the Speakers:
Roseann Nasser MSc, RD, FDC, CNSC
Roseann Nasser MSc RD FDC CNSC is a research dietitian in the Saskatchewan Health Authority in Regina, Saskatchewan. As co-chair of the of the Canadian Malnutrition Task Force, she has been instrumental in promoting nutrition care knowledge and optimal practice through research and education activities. Roseann has participated in a number of research studies to prevent, detect and treat malnutrition in hospitalized adults. She was awarded the “Fellow of Dietitians of Canada" for her professional contributions and leadership in dietetics. She has been actively involved in the educational and regulatory pillars of the dietetic profession. Roseanne is a leading member of the working group that developed a National Malnutrition Standard for Canadian Hospitals.
David McCutcheon MD, MBA, CHE, FRCPI, MICGP
David McCutcheon MD, MBA, CHE, FRCPI, MICGP is a member of the Health Standards Organization (HSO) working group for the Malnutrition Standard. For over 30 years, David worked as health system administrator in Canada and Europe. In 2002, he was appointed the Assistant Deputy Minister of Health in Ontario. Prior to being involved as a health administrator, David practiced as a family physician in Newfoundland. More recently, David was part of research team that implemented the Integrated Nutrition Pathway for Acute Care (INPAC) to prevent, detect and treat malnutrition in a Canadian Hospital. David continues to consult and volunteer and is enjoying his retirement and his grandchildren.
Nada Elnabelsya, BSW
Nada Elnabelsya is a Social Worker and Program Manager with Health Standards Organization (HSO). Nada currently manages the quality and accreditation portfolio at HSO ensuring quality development of national health standards that are built in collaboration with stakeholders across the country and internationally. Nada's role ensures that standards are developed with high quality and standardized methodology.
Type: File
Last Updated: October 4, 2021
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Malnutrition Prevention Detection and Treatment Standard 2021 - Practical Strategies for Adoption | File |
Malnutrition Prevention, Detection and Treatment Standard 2021: Practical Strategies for Adoption | Video |