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Metabolic control, satiety and diet across the lifespan

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G. Harvey Anderson, Hrvoje Fabek



G. Harvey Anderson, PhD (University of Toronto): "Metabolic Control, Satiety, and Diet Across the Lifespan"

Hrvoje Fabek, PhD (University of Toronto): "Balancing protein sources for nutrient quality and the role of dairy"


Metabolic control and satiety are driven by habitual diets, meal combinations, and food composition but vary across the lifespan. Diets characterized by foods representing the natural food matrices are more effective in metabolic control and suppression of post-prandial glycemia (PPG) and appetite than those containing highly processed and rapidly digestible foods. Mealtime combinations that contain foods with intact matrices markedly slow the digestion and absorption of rapidly digested foods, and lead to reduced PPG and greater satiety. Dairy foods and pulses are examples of foods that affect PPG and appetite more than can be accounted for by the sum of their macronutrient components. Within these foods, protein is the most active component. However, both the source and amount of protein in foods influence metabolic control and satiety.

This presentation will illustrate the importance of applying knowledge of the functional role of whole foods such as dairy in diets and food choices for children and young and older adults. As well, intakes of protein sources and amounts recorded in the CCHS 2015 survey will be discussed.


  1. The role of whole foods, such as dairy, in the regulation of metabolism and satiety
  2. Why dairy proteins are unique in the suppression of PPG and appetite
  3. How dairy and their plant substitutes contribute to metabolic regulation and satiety
  4. The importance of meal-time food combinations in control of PPG and satiety
  5. The metabolic requirements through the lifespan

Moderator: Angelo Tremblay, PhD (Université Laval)


Dr. G. Harvey Anderson is Professor of Nutritional Sciences and Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. He holds a BSc and MSc from the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Alberta and PhD, Nutritional Biochemistry from the University of Illinois and completed postdoctoral studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is Director of the NSERC University-Industry Program in Food Safety, Nutrition and Regulatory Affairs (PFSNRA) and past-Director of the Child Centre for Nutrition, Health, and Development. He has served the University as Associate Dean School of Graduate Studies; Dean and Associate Dean, Research, Faculty of Medicine; Chair, Department of Nutritional Sciences; and as an elected member of the Governing Council. Dr. Anderson's advocacy for university, industry and government partnerships in developing food and nutrition solutions is shown by his leadership in the formation of the University of Toronto's NSERC-PFSNRA and as Chair of the Board of the International Life Sciences Institute, Washington, D.C. Dr. Anderson has held academic appointments at many Chinese universities where he led the development of an academic program in clinical and public health nutrition at Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou. His research, supported by peer-reviewed grants since 1970 has elucidated mechanisms explaining the effects of food and components on metabolism, food intake, obesity and diabetes, nutritional support in clinical settings and maternal programming of chronic disease has led to over 400 publications and the training of more than 120 M.Sc. and Ph.D. student, postdoctoral fellows and research associates.

Dr. Hrvoje Fabek is a Research Associate in the Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto and Program Manager of the NSERC Program in Food Safety, Nutrition and Regulatory Affairs. Dr. Fabek earned his MSc in 2011 and PhD in 2015 at the University of Guelph in the Department of Food Science, Ontario Agricultural College. His research focus is on understanding the relationship between food structure and physiological functionality. He has carried out work using simulated digestion models to understand the role of dietary fibres and glycemic reductions and is currently managing human nutrition intervention trials in Dr. Harvey Anderson's lab focused on exploring the functionality of an array of functional foods, including dairy, pulses and novel ingredients such as proteins extracted from an array of Canadian crops. He has teaching experience in food science, food chemistry, nutrition, and regulatory affairs.

Original Source: "CNS Education Webinars" Tuesday, November 8, 2022.

The views expressed by speakers or other third parties in CNS webinars, events and/or conferences are those of the speaker or third-party and not necessarily of CNS.

Length: 1:00:08

Type: File

Last Updated: November 12, 2022

Name Type
Fabek (ENG) - Current Dairy Consumption Patterns Across the Ages File
Fabek (FRE) - Habitudes actuelles de consommation de produits laitiers selon l’âge File
Anderson (ENG) - Metabolic Control, Satiety, and Diet Across the Lifespan File
Anderson (FRE) - Contrôle métabolique, satiété et alimentation aux diverses étapes de la vie File
Metabolic control, satiety and diet across the lifespan Video
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