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Nourishing the brain: Enhancing Brain Myelination and Cognition in Children via Early Nutrition


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Sean Deoni



Sean Deoni, PhD, RD (Brown University)


The first 1000 days is a dynamic period of brain growth and cognitive development. Throughout this period, the brain rapidly increases in volume by unto 300%, driven by changes in the underlying microstructure including neurogenesis, synaptogenesis, and myelination. These changes, in turn, underlie the dramatic cognitive and behavioral development also seen across infancy and early childhood. These changes in brain structure are influenced by a complex cascade of genetic and environmental factors, and rely on the carefully timed deli very of key nutrients, including long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids, as well as key vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients. In this talk, we will discuss non-invasive methods for investigating early neurodevelopment and relationships between measures of myelination and cognitive development. Further, we will explore the importance of early nutrition, and the ability to modulate neurodevelopment through improved nutrition, as evidenced through large-scale observational and more recent clinical RCT studies.
Moderator: Rajavel Elango, PhD (University of British Columbia)


Sean received his PhD in Physics and BioPhysics from the University of Western Ontario, Canada followed by post-doctoral fellowships at King’s College London and Oxford University, UK. Moving to Brown University in 2009 he started the Advanced Baby Imaging Lab with the goal of understanding how a child’s development is shaped by their environment. This work has expanded to include studies not just in the US, but across Africa, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

Original Source: "CNS Education Webinars" Friday, May 31, 2024

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Last Updated: May 31, 2024

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