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Tackling Pediatric Malnutrition in Hospitals: getting started with screening & assessing


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Nikhil Pai, Erin Wyllie



Nikhil Pai, MD CNSC NASPGHAN-F FAAP FRCPC - Associate Professor-Pediatrics (Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition), Medical Lead-Complex Nutrition Service & Intestinal Rehabilitation Program, McMaster Children's Hospital

Erin Wyllie, BSc RD - Pediatric Dietitian-Children's Health Centre, Surrey Memorial Hospital (Fraser Health), Clinical Instructor-Faculty of Land and Food Systems, Dietetics at the University of British Columbia

Julie LeBlanc RD, CNSC - Clinical Dietitian, Bluewater Health, Sarnia, Ontario


Pediatric malnutrition is a serious concern in hospitals that is often not diagnosed or treated. Up to 1 in 3 Canadian children admitted to tertiary pediatric hospitals are reported to be in a malnourished state on admission. Children are also at risk for worsening nutritional status during hospitalization.

The Canadian Malnutrition Task Force's Pediatric Working Group is a multidisciplinary group of physicians, researchers, dietitians, and nurses that have been addressing malnutrition in pediatric populations since 2018. Building on CMTF's work in adults, this group developed the evidence-based/consensus-based algorithm pathway Pediatric Integrated Nutrition Pathway for Acute Care (P-INPAC). This pathway aims to prevent, detect, monitor, and treat malnutrition in acute care pediatric patients and aligns with the recommendations from the national HSO Malnutrition Standard. This session will review the components of the P-INPAC Pathway, personal experiences with implementing its components, and how these can be applied in a practical manner to the care of pediatric patients. Speakers will review simple strategies & supporting tools and resources geared for clinicians wanting to get started with nutrition screening and assessment. Responses to commonly asked questions by pediatric health care professional will be addressed within the presentations at the end of the webinar


  1. Describe what the P-INPAC pathway is and how its key components can be incorporated into a nutrition care plan for hospitalized pediatric patients.
  2. Learn about experiences with implementing team based nutrition screening and assessment (SGNA)
  3. Apply practical strategies and tools to support the implementation of P-INPAC
  4. Learn the commonly asked questions on how to tackle pediatric malnutrition in their hospital setting.

Moderator: Jessie Hulst MD - staff gastroenterologist, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto

About the Speakers:

Dr. Nikhil Pai MD CNSC FAAP FRCPC, is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at McMaster University, and Staff Pediatric Gastroenterologist at McMaster Children's Hospital. He completed medical school at McMaster University, residency at the Hospital for Sick Children (University of Toronto) and his pediatric gastroenterology fellowship at Boston Children's Hospital (Harvard Medical School). He is Medical Lead of the Pediatric Intestinal Failure Program and Complex Nutrition Service and supports a busy outpatient, inpatient and endoscopy practice. Dr. Pai is also an Associate Member of McMaster University's Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute, and McMaster University's Metabolism, Obesity and Diabetes Research (MODR) Centre. He is a member of the Pediatric Working Group of the Canadian Malnutrition Task Force, Co-Chair of McMaster Children's Hospital's Pediatric Nutrition Advisory Committee, External Advisor to Health Canada's Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT) Advanced Therapeutics Pathway and leads McMaster Children's Hospital's Pediatric Stool Bank, the only pediatric FMT program across Canada. Dr. Pai's research work concentrates on interactions between nutrition and the microbiome, and he leads an active clinical translational research lab assessing host-microbe-nutrient interactions and microbial therapeutics.

Erin Wyllie BSc RD, is a Registered Dietitian with the College of Dietitians of British Columbia. Erin completed her Bachelors of Science in Nutrition and Food Science with distinction from the University of Alberta, along with her dietetic internship through Alberta Health Services. She now works as the inpatient Pediatric Dietitian in the Children's Health Centre of Surrey Memorial Hospital, British Columbia. She is also a Clinical Instructor with the University of British Columbia Dietetics department, and a member of the Pediatric Working Group of the Canadian Malnutrition Task Force. Erin is firm believer that front line clinicians have the power to make positive change in the healthcare system. She has led a number of pediatric quality improvement initiatives within the Fraser Health Authority, including pediatric malnutrition screening and the SGNA. Outside of her professional work, you will find Erin enjoying the beautiful outdoors of BC hiking and camping with her family or at the rink coaching ringette

Julie LeBlanc RD CNSC, is Registered Dietitian with Bluewater Health, where she has been employed since 2007. Julie has experience working within inpatient clinical areas across the hospital, and also spent five years as a Senior Registered Dietitian, during which time malnutrition assessment and screening tools were implemented. Most recently, Julie's role shifted into the Diabetes Education Centre in the fall of 2022, where she focuses on patient education and providing long-term relationships with patients and families. Julie holds a Bachelor of Science in Human Ecology with Honours from Brescia University College at Western University in London, Ontario. She carries a Certified Nutrition Support Clinicians credential and has plans to begin working towards obtaining her Certified Diabetes Educator credential.

Original Source: "CNS Education Webinars" Thursday, March 23, 2023.

The views expressed by speakers or other third parties in CNS webinars, events and/or conferences are those of the speaker or third-party and not necessarily of CNS.

Length: 1:01:06

Type: File

Last Updated: March 23, 2023

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Tackling Pediatric Malnutrition in Hospitals File
Tackling Pediatric Malnutrition in Hospitals: getting started with screening & assessing Video
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