Introduction to Systematic Reviews & Meta-Analyses: How to critically evaluate and assess your confidence in SRMA data (Part 1)

Date: Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Time: 12:00 - 13:00 ET

Speaker: Laura Chiavaroli, MSc, PhD

To register, CLICK HERE

Systematic reviews and meta-analyses (SRMAs) can be valuable tools to answer a defined research question by quantitatively summarizing available data from multiple similar studies and allowing for more accurate conclusions for clinical practice. They are considered by many as the highest quality of evidence in evidence-based medicine. However, SRMAs can only be considered strong evidence if they are performed well and if the evidence presented is properly assessed to determine our confidence in them. Therefore, it is imperative that we understand what a SRMA is and how to read one in order to assess how confident we can be in the results presented. This 2-part webinar series will present an overview of SRMAs and provide the knowledge needed to critically assess a SRMA. We will use a few case studies to discuss how SRMAs can be used to address highly debated nutrition topics.

Learning Objectives:

1. What is a SRMA?
2. How do you read a SRMA?
3. Strengths and limitations of a SRMA.

About the Speaker:

Dr. Laura Chiavaroli is a Clinical Trialist and a Post-Doctoral Fellow with Dr. John Sievenpiper at the University of Toronto. She previously completed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship with Dr. Furio Brighenti at the Department of Food and Drug, University of Parma, and an MSc and PhD with Dr. David Jenkins at the Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto. Throughout Laura’s training, she additionally gained robust experience in the conduct of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. She has co-authored over 30 systematic reviews and meta-analyses and focuses much of her time on educating how they are performed and interpreted. Laura's primary research interests lie in the field of nutrition and cardiometabolic health, specifically on carbohydrate nutrition and obesity and diabetes and has vast experience working with the Dietary Portfolio, glycemic index and on dietary sugars.

This webinar is sponsored by the Canadian Sugar Institute.

To register, CLICK HERE

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