CPPENA Presents: "Beat the Heat"
Date: Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm ET
To register: CLICK HERE
Speaker Brandon Sommert will provide his brief back story and an overview of what assists him in his day-to-day dressing in the summer.
In this session, Brandon will focus on his experience with dressing changes and how he is able keep active in the summer with sports / swimming / different products used outside of the regular "hospital style dressings".
Items discussed will include:
- Different styles of wrapping the brovic/central line, with photos
- Using KT tape to assist with sweating the dressing off in high heat situations
- Product used for tattoos that assist with swimming dressing
- Photos/examples of how to get through the summer heat without medical concerns
- Making the most of summer without worries of being away from home and medical dressings
Following Brandon’s presentation, meeting attendees will be encouraged to ask questions and invited to join an open forum to discuss their own experiences with “beating the heat” during the warmer summer months.
Speaker: Brandon Sommert (bio to come)
Moderator: Leah Gramlich, MD, FRCPC - University of Alberta
The opinions expressed by the participants at this session reflect personal experiences and are meant for sharing and to stimulate interactive discussions. As such some of these may not reflect the opinions or beliefs of the Canadian Nutrition Society or CPPENA. This information does not replace guidance from your healthcare provider.
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To register: CLICK HERE