Le rôle du 2'-FL dans l’inflammation et son rôle possible dans les allergies alimentaires (en anglais seulement)
This webinar is presented in English / Webinaire offert uniquement en anglais
Date: Vendredi 9 septembre 2022
Heure : 12 h à 13 h HNE
Description du webinaire :
Les OLH arrivent au troisième rang des principaux constituants solides du lait humain, après le lactose et les lipides. Le 2'-fucosyllactose (2'-FL), un OLH, est présent dans le lait maternel d’environ 80 % des mères. Dans le cadre de cette présentation, nous traiterons des études cliniques ayant porté sur les bienfaits immunitaires du 2'-FL. Nous discuterons également des données précliniques concernant le rôle du 2'-FL dans les allergies alimentaires et les modes d'action possibles du 2'-FL. Nous verrons enfin comment le 2'-FL pourrait améliorer la tolérance orale.
Objectifs d’apprentissage :
- En apprendre plus sur les OLH, particulièrement le 2'-FL
- En savoir plus sur les études cliniques montrant les bienfaits des OLH sur le système immunitaire
- Comprendre en quoi le 2'-FL peut être pertinent dans la prise en charge nutritionnelle des nourrissons ayant des allergies alimentaires
- En savoir plus sur les données précliniques montrant les effets du 2'-FL sur les allergies alimentaires
- Comprendre les effets du 2'-FL sur les éléments clés de la réponse immunitaire et les modes d’action possibles du 2'-FL
Conférencièrs :
Paul Forsythe, Ph. D. - Université de l’Alberta
Barbara Marriage, Ph. D., Dt. P. - Consultante, Alimentation des enfants
Modératrice : Kyly Whitfield, PhD (Mount Saint Vincent University)
Biographies des conférencièrs :
Barbara Marriage PhD RD - Dr. Marriage is a consultant in pediatric nutrition and has considerable experience in both industry and clinical settings. Dr. Marriage held several positions within her 19 years at Abbott Nutrition and was most recently a Senior Associate Research Fellow, leading the Pediatric Nutrition Science and Innovation group, where she was responsible for clinical research and scientific support for pediatric products distributed globally.
Other positions within Abbott included, Global Science Lead for Pediatric Specialty Nutrition, Associate Director in Global Regulatory Science and Innovation, as well as Manager of the Pediatric Clinical Nutrition group.
Before joining Abbott in 2002, Dr. Marriage worked for over 20 years as a clinical research dietitian with extensive experience in pediatric nutrition with an emphasis on the management of patients and families with inborn errors of metabolism.
Her research interests include human milk oligosaccharides, gastrointestinal disorders, allergy and inborn errors of metabolism. Dr Marriage has published over 30 articles in peer-reviewed journals, written book chapters and newsletters, and has given many presentations on nutrition related topics.
Paul Forsythe - Dr Paul Forsythe obtained his PhD in Immunopharmacology at Queen’s University Belfast, UK. He then went on to pursue Post-Doctoral studies at the University of Alberta and McMaster University before becoming a faculty member in the Department of Medicine, McMaster University and Principal Investigator at the McMaster Brain-Body Institute. He joined the faculty of the University of Alberta as the AstraZeneca Canada Inc., Chair in Asthma and Obstructive Lung Disease in 2021. Dr Forsythe’s research falls within the field of psychoneuroimmunology; addressing cross-talk between components of the immune and nervous systems, and how such communication may influence the development of diverse pathophysiological responses such as inflammation, allergy and mood disorders. A major research focus is on the immunomodulatory and neuroactive properties of microbes and the role of the vagus nerve in bi-directional signalling between the immune system and the brain.
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