CPPENA Presents: "Chasing your dreams"

Date:  Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Time: 1:00pm - 2:00pm ET

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Speaker:  Emma Tillman, Pharm.D., Ph.D.,Indiana University School of Medicine 

Description: Chasing your dreams when you have to resort to Plan B

"Plan A is always my first choice… the one where everything works out, but more often than not, I find myself dealing with the upside-down, inside-out version where nothing goes as it should. 

This is where the real test of character comes in. Do I sink or do I swim? Do I wallow in self-pity or simply shift gears and make the best of the situation? The choice is mine. 

After all… life is all about how you handle Plan B."

- Suzy Toronto


Following Dr. Tillman's presentation, meeting attendees will be encouraged to ask questions and invited to join an open forum to discuss their own experiences with exercise and living on HPN.

About the Speaker: Emma Tillman, Pharm.D., Ph.D., - Indiana University School of Medicine

Dr. Emma Tillman, Pharm.D., Ph.D., is a research associate professor in the division of clinical pharmacology at Indiana University School of Medicine. She is an avid recreational runner completing 12 marathons, dozens of half marathons, several endurance relay races, and other smaller races. She has had dysmotility since childhood and has received parenteral support with total parenteral nutrition and hydration for the past eleven years.    

Moderators: Leah Gramlich  MD, FRCP, University of Alberta, and Trinity Lowthian


The opinions expressed by the participants at this session reflect personal experiences and are meant for sharing and to stimulate interactive discussions. As such some of these may not reflect the opinions or beliefs of the Canadian Nutrition Society or CPPENA. This information does not replace guidance from your healthcare provider. 

The recordings from this session may be shared with others interested in this content. If you do not want your video to appear in these recordings, please disable your video. If you leave your video on, this implies that you have consented to share your video that appears in the session recording. 

To register: CLICK HERE

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