Hospital Initiatives to Address Malnutrition (en anglais seulement)

Ce webinaire sera présenté en Anglais.

Date:  Friday, October 7, 2022
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm ET

To register: CLICK HERE



The Canadian Malnutrition Task Force and the Canadian Nutrition Society are pleased to host this Canadian Malnutrition Awareness Week webinar.
This webinar will be presented in English.


Hilde Timmerman, Program Manager, Global Programs, Health Standards Organization (HSO)
Celia Laur, PhD, Scientific Lead Office of Scale and Spread, Women’s College Hospital
Rupinder Dhaliwal, RD FDC, Program Manager CMTF, Canadian Nutrition Society

Session description: 

In this session, presenters will review the latest initiatives being undertaken by the Canadian Malnutrition TaskForce and its partners to improve and sustain best nutrition care practices in hospitals. 
Health Standards Organization (HSO) will share the next steps regarding the pilot of the Required Organizational Practice for the Malnutrition Prevention, Detection and Treatment Standard. CMTFs latest national program, Advancing Malnutrition Care (AMC) is designed to provide mentorship to hospital champions across Canada as they implement and sustain best practices from the Integrated Nutrition Pathway for Acute Care (INPAC). This presentation will explain the mentor/champion model, why we chose this approach, how it aligns with the Malnutrition Standard, and ways for interested individual across Canada to get involved. Preliminary key results of a national hospital survey to assess current malnutrition practices will be shared along with plans for training for Subjective Global Assessment.

Learning objectives: 

  1. Describe the next steps for the pilot of the Required Organizational Practices for the Malnutrition Prevention, Detection and Treatment Standard in hospitals.
  2. Understand the mentor-champion model for improving malnutrition care practices across Canada, in line with the Malnutrition Standard.
  3. Reflect on the roles of mentors and hospital champions, as well as opportunities for involvement.
  4. List gaps in current nutrition practices in hospitals that will direct future knowledge mobilization.

Biographies des conférencières :

Hilde Timmerman - Hilde is a Program Manager at Health Standards Organization who oversees the design, development and execution of programs that promote continuous quality improvement. Through this role, Hilde combines her academic expertise, practical experience and lived experience to foster innovative collaborations and solutions to advance quality of care. Hilde was part of the HSO team who supported the Technical Committee on the development of the CAN/HSO 5066:2021 Malnutrition Prevention, Detection and Treatment standard, in collaboration with the Canadian Nutrition Society – Canadian Malnutrition Task Force. From the standard, Hilde led the working group on the development of a Required Organizational Practice for preventing, detecting and treating malnutrition in the inpatient care setting. In 2023, Hilde will also lead the pilot of this ROP in 3 or 4 Canadian hospitals. Hilde holds a master’s degree in health care management from Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Celia Laur works at the intersection of research and practice. As the Scientific Lead of the Office of Spread and Scale at Women’s College Hospital Institute for Health System Solutions and Virtual Care (WIHV), she conducts research and supports individuals and teams to plan for implementation, sustainability, spread, and scale of effective interventions. Her PhD from the University of Waterloo, supervised by Professor Heather Keller, focused on understanding healthcare professionals’ perspectives on implementing, sustaining, and spreading nutrition care activities in hospitals across Canada. Celia is a core member of the Advancing Malnutrition Care team, a member of the Canadian Malnutrition Task Force, and Assistant Professor (Status) at the University of Toronto. Through her interest in medical nutrition education, she is lead of the Canada Network within the UK NNEdPro Global Institute for Food, Nutrition and Health.
Twitter: @Celia_Laur

Rupinder Dhaliwal, RD FDC is the Program Manager of the Canadian Malnutrition Task Force (CMTF), Canadian Nutrition Society. As a Registered Dietitian for more than 30 years, she has extensive experience in clinical nutrition, research, program management, leadership, and networking. In her work with CMTF, she has advanced the agenda for addressing malnutrition through the development of the national HSO malnutrition standard 2021, scientific literature reviews, creation of evidence-based presentations & resources, and liaising with multiple working groups and partners. Her previous work includes expansion of a team-based diet and exercise intervention (the CHANGE Program) in primary care clinics across Canada and foundational work in critical care nutrition research. She has co-authored numerous scientific publications and has presented at many national and international conferences. Rupinder was awarded the “Fellow of Dietitians of Canada” award for her professional growth, excellence and career achievements and the Canadian Nutrition Society “Allied Health Award in Nutrition Care” award. Rupinder is a past member of Canadian Nutrition Society Board of Directors.

Moderator: Roseann Nasser, MSc RD CNSC FDC - Co-Chair of CMTF

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