Microbiome in Nutrition Science: Innovations in Research and Clinical Practice
Date: Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Time: 12:00 - 13:00 ET
Nikhil Pai, MD, CNSC, NASPGHAN-F, FAAP, FRCPC (McMaster University)
Webinar description:
In this session, I will review exciting research on the dynamic interplay between the microbiome and nutrition science, and share work our group has conducted in this area over the past several years. Specifically, I will talk about our group's efforts to understand these relationships with respect to chronic inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases, steatotic liver disease, short bowel syndrome, and the unique importance of this work in paediatric populations. Finally, I will discuss how this work may be applied to clinical practice, including trials our group are currently conducting, and the exciting research that investigators are performing worldwide to discern how diet and the microbiome may contribute to improved health outcomes. As the recipient of the 2024 Canadian Nutrition Society's Young Investigator Award, I am deeply honoured to share my reflections on the powers of mentorship and sponsorship with junior investigators. This session aims to offer guidance, motivation, and appreciation for the importance of the microbiome in nutrition science.
Learning Objectives:
Moderator: Stephanie Atkinson, PhD
About the Speaker:
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