Enteral Nutrition at Home: The role of home programs

Date:  Tuesday, June 11, 2024 
Time:  13:00 - 14:00 ET  (11:00 - 12:00 MT)

To register: CLICK HERE


Dr. Jennifer Jin, MD, FRCPC - Division of Gastroenterology, Royal Alexandra Hospital

Shelbi Roy RN - Alberta Health Services

Keri Fehler RD - Alberta Health Services


This interactive session will provide adults, children and carers living with home enteral nutrition to learn what to expect as they navigate the landscape of Home Enteral Nutrition (HEN). We will discuss care, products and supplies and how we make life on HEN better. It brings the perspective from Alberta where a comprehensive approach to HEN is provided through provincial programs. This session will provide an opportunity to speak with experts from across disciplines who work with HEN patients and families daily. 
Following the presentation, meeting attendees will be encouraged to ask questions and invited to join an open forum to discuss their own experiences.

Chair: Leah Gramlich  MD, FRCP - University of Alberta 

About the Speakers:   

Jennifer Jin completed medical school and internal medicine residency training in her home province of Saskatchewan. She then went on to complete her gastroenterology residency at the University of Ottawa before going on to a Nutrition fellowship at the University of Toronto at the Toronto General Hospital. She moved back out west to Edmonton in 2015 and joined the Division of Gastroenterology at the Royal Alexandra Hospital and is the North Zone Medical Lead for Nutrition Services.

Shelbi Roy RN - Bio coming soon 

Keri Fehler RD - Bio coming soon 


The opinions expressed by the participants at this session reflect personal experiences and are meant for sharing and to stimulate interactive discussions. As such some of these may not reflect the opinions or beliefs of the Canadian Nutrition Society or CPPENA. This information does not replace guidance from your healthcare provider. 

The recordings from this session may be shared with others interested in this content. If you do not want your video to appear in these recordings, please disable your video. If you leave your video on, this implies that you have consented to share your video that appears in the session recording. 

To register: CLICK HERE

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