Advocacy & Government Relations to Elevate Nutrition Care

Date:  Friday, October 11, 2024
Time: 12:00 - 13:00 ET

This webinar is brought to you by CMTF as part of Canadian Malnutrition Awareness Week™  October 7 - 11, 2024  "ACT - Advocate, Collaborate, Transform"

This webinar is presented in English / Ce webinaire sera présenté en Anglais. 

Webinar description:

Malnutrition is a serious issue in Canada that goes unrecognized - particularly in health care settings - and can have an enormous impact on Canadians’ health including recovery from injury or disease, functional abilities, and even mortality.

Nutrition interventions and best practices can reduce malnutrition and result in significant cost savings. Building on its foundational research over the last decade, the Canadian Malnutrition Task Force (CMTF) has generated evidence-based tools to address the issue of malnutrition across multiple healthcare settings. Past efforts have focused on increasing awareness and educating health care professionals and decision makers on the impact of malnutrition and how to address it within specific healthcare settings.

In the current healthcare environment, malnutrition is being exacerbated by rising hospital demands, lack of community supports, staffing restraints, and high food costs. These issues require the attention of the Federal and Provincial/Territorial governments. Current health policy is driven largely by conditions related to overnutrition, such as diabetes, obesity and coronary artery disease, and there is a dearth of health policy to address disease-related malnutrition (DRM).

Join us in this session to learn about CMTF’s recent work with the United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition (CAN DREAM) and with government relations experts on how to elevate the issue of malnutrition to Federal and Provincial/Territorial Governments, and key stakeholders in Canada. Practical tips on advocating for policy-level change will be shared.

This session is targeted to, but not limited to, the following:
dietitians & allied health working in a variety of health settings, managers, healthcare leaders, health policy makers and anyone interested in government, advocacy & policy efforts

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this webinar the audience will be able to:

  1. Become familiar with international advocacy and collaboration efforts to address disease-related malnutrition
  2. Understand the Canadian landscape for advocating for disease-related malnutrition 
  3. Reflect on strategies to transform health policy as it relates to disease-related malnutrition
  4. Learn practical tips and tools for advocating in Canada


Katherine Ford, PhD RD, Canadian Malnutrition Taskforce, Canadian Nutrition Society    
Danielle Flieler, Senior Consultant, SANTIS Health   

Moderator: Rupinder Dhaliwal, RD FDC, Program Manager, Canadian Malnutrition Task Force, Canadian Nutrition Society

About the Speakers:

Dr. Katherine Ford is a Registered Dietitian and a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Canadian Nutrition Society. During her fellowship, Katherine is supporting the Canadian Malnutrition Taskforce with integrating a malnutrition care standard in Canadian hospitals and advancing the health policy landscape for malnutrition. Katherine utilizes her experience as Dietitian to bring a clinical perspective to her research and is interested in better understanding the impact of nutritional assessment and interventions on patient-oriented outcomes and how to spread and scale effective interventions focused on improving malnutrition care.


Danielle Flieler In her role with Santis Health, Danielle provides support to a wide range of federal, provincial and national clients throughout Canada on policy support, advocacy and public affairs. She  has more than a decade of working in the health and life sciences sector, primarily focusing on business development, stakeholder relations, marketing and advocacy. Prior to joining Santis, Danielle was the Senior Development Manager at Research Canada, an Alliance dedicated to federal advocacy on behalf of health research and health innovation in Canada. During her time at Research Canada, Danielle managed a portfolio of over 100+ members and stakeholders stemming from a variety of sectors including biopharmaceutical companies, academic health science centres, hospitals, health charities, universities and start-ups. Danielle completed her Honours B.A. at the University of Ottawa in History with a Minor in Psychology. She also recently completed her Mini-MBA at Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University.

About the Moderator:

Rupinder Dhaliwal, RD, FDC As a Registered Dietitian for more than 30 years, Rupinder has extensive experience in clinical nutrition, research, program management, leadership, and networking. In her work with CMTF, she has advanced the agenda for addressing malnutrition through the development of the national HSO malnutrition standard 2021, scientific literature reviews, creation of evidence-based presentations & resources, and liaising with multiple working groups and partners. Her previous work includes expansion of a team-based diet and exercise intervention (the CHANGE Program) in primary care clinics across Canada and foundational work in critical care nutrition research. She has co-authored numerous scientific publications and has presented at many national and international conferences. 


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