Revue APNM

Physiologie appliquée, nutrition et métabolisme

La SCN offre gracieusement à ses membres un abonnement à la revue Physiologie appliquée, nutrition et métabolisme. D’abord appelée Journal canadien des sciences du sport, puis Revue canadienne de physiologie appliquée, cette revue aujourd’hui publiée mensuellement existe depuis 30 ans et diffuse des articles de recherche originaux, des synthèses et des commentaires axés sur l’application des connaissances sur la physiologie, la nutrition et le métabolisme à l’étude de la santé humaine, de l’activité physique et de la condition physique. Les recherches, les synthèses et les symposiums publiés intéresseront les physiologistes de l’exercice, les spécialistes du conditionnement physique et des exercices de réadaptation, les intervenants en santé publique, les professionnels de la santé et les spécialistes de la physiologie fondamentale et appliquée, de la nutrition et de la biochimie. La réputation de cette revue ne cesse de croître, ce que confirme un indice de citation élevé de 2,401. Cette revue est dirigée par un comité de rédaction formé de scientifiques et d’experts renommés du Canada et d’ailleurs dans le monde.

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Rappel : Réservé aux membres de la SCN. Si vous n’avez pas déjà ouvert une session, le système vous invitera à le faire.

Rédacteurs en chef :

Wendy Ward, Brock University
Phil Chiibeck, University of Saskatchewan

Rédacteurs adjoints :

Kristi B. Adamo, The Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Research Institute
Phil Atherton, University of Nottingham at Derby, United Kingdom
Harold Aukema, University of Manitoba 
Rhonda C. Bell, University of Alberta
Heather Blewett, St. Boniface Hospital Research
Janet Brunton, Memorial University
Duane Button, Memorial University
José A.L. Calbet, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
M.S. Calvo, Retired, Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, USA
Catherine Chan, University of Alberta
E. Comelli, University of Toronto
Ben Desbrow, Griffith University, Australia
Paolo Dominelli, University of Waterloo
David J. Dyck, University of Guelph
Martin Gibala, McMaster University
Scott Harding, Memorial University
Mary-Ellen Harper, University of Ottawa
Joris Hoeks, Maastricht University Medical Centre, the Netherlands
Susan R. Hopkins, University of California-San Diego, USA
C. Irwin, Griffith University, Australia
Jennifer M. Jakobi, University of British Columbia
Jayne Kalmar, Wilfrid Laurier University
Glen Kenny, University of Ottawa
John M.Kowalchuk, The University of Western Ontario
Jennifer L. Kuk, York University
Filip Larsen, Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, Sweden
Sojung Lee, University of Pittsburgh, USA
J. Little, The University of British Columbia
R. MacPherson, Brock University
Ralph Manders, University of Surrey, UK
L. May, East Carolina University, USA
Mary P. Miles, Montana State University, USA
P.J. Millar, University of Guelph
D. Moore, University of Toronto, Canada Ricardo Mora-Rodriguez, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Coral Murrant, University of Guelph
David Mutch, University of Guelph
Catherine F. Notarius, University of Toronto
Samuel Oliver, Bangor University, UK
Gianni Parise, McMaster University
Christopher Perry, York University
Bethan Phillips, University of Nottingham, UK
K. Power, Memorial University
K. Pyke, Queen's University
Joe Quadrilatero, University of Waterloo
R. Scott Rector, University of Missouri, USA
Raylene A. Reimer, University of Calgary
Lee M. Romer, Brunel University, UK
A. Saleem, University of Manitoba
M.A. Schaumberg, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia
Jane Shearer, University of Calgary
A.K. Shoveller, University of Guelph
Tina Skinner, University of Queensland, Australia
T. Snijders, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
V. Tarasuk, University of Toronto
Bryan J. Taylor, Mayo Clinic, USA
B.J. Venn, University of Otago, New Zealand
Susan J. Whiting, University of Saskatchewan
David Wright, University of Guelph                                                      



Articles are indexed in Current Contents/Life Sciences, Excerpta Medica Abstract Journals, Focus On: Sports Science and Medicine, MEDLINE/PubMed, Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews Series A: Human and Experimental, Physical Education Index, Science Citation Index Expanded, Scopus, and more. 


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Call for APNM PhD Dissertation Abstracts

Have you recently completed a PhD or have a student who has done so? If so, APNM invites you to submit your dissertation abstract along with a summary of where you are at post-doctoral studies for publication in our journal. Abstracts of PhD theses are only accepted from students whose advisor is a member of CNS or CSEP.

Instructions for Submission
The abstract must be identical to that in the thesis and it should begin with the title followed by the date of the acceptance of the thesis, the author of the thesis, the advisor's name and department, and the present affiliation of the author. Following the abstract, please include a brief statement about your current assignment and/or research.

The abstracts are submitted through APNM's online submission website.


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