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Diagnosing Malnutrition in Adult Patients with Obesity


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Carla Prado, Stacy Pelekhaty



This webinar is brought to you by CMTF as part of Canadian Malnutrition Awareness Week™  October 7 - 11, 2024  "ACT - Advocate, Collaborate, Transform" and ASPEN as part of Malnutrition Awareness Week™ September 16-20, 2024 "Educate. Empower. Eliminate"


The incidence of obesity among the public in escalating. Individuals with obesity are at a higher risk of developing chronic diseases, which can result in a higher incidence of acute complications, hospitalizations, and morbidity.

Many hospitalized patients may have obesity, a condition that often goes unrecognized. Additionally, obesity can coexist with low muscle mass, a characteristic of malnutrition, which is challenging to detect. Malnutrition and low muscle mass in patients with obesity are independent predictors of unfavourable  functional & clinical outcomes.

There is a need to understand how to correctly diagnose malnutrition in those with obesity. Various tools exist to assess nutrition status in patients. Identifying the most effective method for patients with obesity is crucial. Furthermore, it is essential to Illuminate the nuances of managing patients with obesity in a hospital, community, and ICU setting.

ModeratorKelly Kinnare, MS, RD, LDN, CNSC, Director, Development and Strategic Partnerships, ASPEN | American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition


Dr. Carla Prado is an expert in assessing nutritional status through the precise measurement of body composition and energy metabolism. The focus of her current research program is to investigate the prevalence and health outcomes of abnormal body composition phenotypes in patients with diverse chronic conditions. She is also developing targeted nutrition interventions to optimize body composition and improve health outcomes. 

Dr. Prado is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences and a member of the Royal Society of Canada College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists - two of the highest academic honors in her country. She has elevated the field of nutrition by earning recognition in non-academic circles, such as being named one of Canada’s "Top 100 Most Powerful Women”.

Stacy Pelekhaty is a Senior Clinical Nutrition Specialist at the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore, Maryland. Stacy has over ten years of experience as a critical care dietitian and has been a Certified Nutrition Support Clinician since 2010. She is passionate about optimizing nutrition care for critically injured and critically ill adults and has presented nutrition research nationally and internationally. Additionally, she educates medical students, nurses, surgical and critical care fellows, dietetic interns, and nutrition professionals on nutrition assessment, including the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of malnutrition in critically ill and critically injured patients.

Original Source: "Canadian Malnutrition Awareness Week Webinars" Thursday, September 26, 2024

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Length: 1:00:43

Type: Video

Last Updated: September 27, 2024

Name Type
Diagnosing Malnutrition in Adult Patients with Obesity Video
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Prado - Handouts Diagnosing Malnutrition in Patients with Obesity File
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