L’association entre l’apport alimentaire et le risque de maladies cardiovasculaires au sein de la population canadienne

Date : 2 décembre 2022
Heure : 13 h à 14 h, HE


Ce webinaire sera présenté en Anglais.

Webinar description:

Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) is the second leading cause of death in Canada. Early detection of ASCVD risk is important in reducing severe consequences with appropriate preventative strategies. Diet is one of the important modifiable lifestyle factors in developing and preventing ASCVD. There are different approaches to evaluating the effect of diet on health outcomes. Dietary patterns present a holistic picture of the usual real-life diet, rather than the conventional approach of investigating one nutrient or food group at a time. With this holistic approach, we can understand how a combination of different foods in one’s dietary pattern influences ASCVD risk.  Evidence suggests that dietary patterns rich in vegetables, fruits, dairy products (low fat), whole grains, and fish are associated with reduced ASCVD risk, whereas dietary patterns dominant in sugar-sweetened foods and beverages, and fried foods and red and processed meat are related to increased ASCVD risk. 

This webinar will provide background information on dietary patterns, ASCVD risk prediction, and the cardiovascular age gap (CAG). Further, the association between dietary patterns, particularly a diet that includes dairy products,  and 10-year ASCVD risk as well as the CAG among Canadian adults, will be discussed.  

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the webinar, the audience will be able to:

  1. Understand the concept of the dietary pattern approach in association with the risk of cardiovascular diseases
  2. Categorize which dietary patterns are associated with the risk of cardiovascular diseases and the cardiovascular age gap among Canadian adults
  3. Recognize the important role of diet in preventing cardiovascular diseases among Canadians

Hassan Vatanparast, MD, PhD (University of Saskatchewan)

Moderator: Andrea Josse, PhD (York University)

About the Speaker:

Dr. H. Vatanparast is Professor of Nutritional Epidemiology at the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition and the School of Public Health, University of Saskatchewan. After his MD degree, he worked in the public health sector as an epidemiologist and public health administrator focusing on chronic disease prevention and control. He completed his PhD degree in nutritional epidemiology and a postdoctoral fellowship in kinesiology (diet, physical activity, and chronic diseases) at the University of Saskatchewan. He has served in several relevant international scientific associations and led various national and international research projects and interventional studies leading to numerous publications, conference presentations and, more importantly, positive change in target communities. Hassan has enjoyed training and working with several graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, along with teaching undergraduate students. Hassan and his coworkers are benefiting from strong muti-sectoral, muti-disciplinary collaboration in their initiatives.


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