Member Benefits

CNS memberships operate on a calendar year format.

As a CNS member, you'll have access to a variety of benefits designed to elevate your nutrition expertise. 

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Membership Types




Early Career (I/II)

Student (Graduate or Undergraduate)

Preferred Conference & Workshop Rates
- Plus early registration opportunity to space-limited events

Archived Webinar Recordings Available Free of Charge
- Plus reduced pricing for conference recordings

Certificates of Attendance*

Abstract and Proposal Submission

Exclusive Communication & Resources
-Including monthly newsletter, and online access to APNM

CNS Awards and Grants

Eligible to Vote at AGM



* When logging into the live webinlar using using a CNS member affiliated email address

Member Benefits

Preferred Conference Rates
Workshops, Webinars and Recordings
  • Free access to CNS Webinar Series
  • Free access to archived Webinars in the CNS Education Portal
  • Certificates of Attendance when joining live webinars using a CNS-member affiliated email address
  • Reduced pricing on Conference recordings in the CNS Education Portal
  • Early registration opportunity to space-limited workshops 
Exclusive Communication and Resources
  • Access to members-only pages on CNS website
  • Monthly Member's Update e-newsletter
  • Opportunity to be included in and use the CNS Expert Database
Award and Grants

Eligibility for CNS-SCN Awards and Travel Grants


Online Journal Access

Online access to Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism (APNM) - published 12 times per year

Joint Memberships with ASN, ESPEN, and ASPEN available

Receive all of the same benefits that would be offered when joining directly.  See joint membership benefit details on the Become a Member

Abstract Submission 

Opportunity to submit research abstracts for conference presentation.


Networking opportunities with nutrition scientists and health professionals (dietitians, physicians, pharmacists, nurses) in universities, health care, government and industry.


Support Nutrition Science 

Support of nutrition science and the establishment of nutrition research priorities through interaction and collaboration with funding agencies.



© 2024 CNS-SCN - Canadian Nutrition Society