Current News
March 14, 2023
Wed. March 15 is Dietitians Day 2023!
This day has been reserved to acknowledge the difference you make as dietitians to your clients, communities and the wider food system.How are you going to celebrate and acknowledge your colleagues?
March 13, 2023
Upcoming free webinar on Wed. Mar. 22 - Culinary Medicine: Creating Culinary Competencies for Food Recommendation
Registration is open for the Culinary Medicine: Creating Culinary Competencies for Food Recommendations webinar taking place on Wed. Mar. 22, 12-1pm ET. Learn how to translate nutrition recommendations into culinary competencies so that healthful food can be transformed into delicious meals and snacks. Free registration!
March 11, 2023
APNM Nutrition Translation Award
This year's theme: Nutrition and Women’s Health. Proposal Submission deadline - June 15, 2023. The award is supported by Canadian Science Publishing, the publishers of APNM – the official journal of CNS.
March 10, 2023
The CNS 2023 Conference Program and Registration is live!
We are looking forward to gathering in-person for this annual event! For the first time, our conference will include a "Clinical Day" that includes a packed program of highly relevant topics with a great line-up of speakers. We hope to see you in May!
March 2, 2023
Assessing Human Requirements for Carbohydrate: A Webinar
The Standing Committee for the Review the DRI Framework willl hold a half-day virtual open session on ‘Assessing Human Requirements for Carbohydrate’ on March 7, 2023 from 9 am to 2 pm Eastern.
March 1, 2023
CSPC 2023 Panel Submission is Now Open!
The 15th Canadian Science Policy Conference will be held in person from November 13-15th, 2023 under the overarching theme of ‘Science and Innovation in a Time of Transformation’. Make sure you are part of the national conversation by submitting a Panel or a Short Talk proposal. Deadline: Apr. 21 ,2023.
March 1, 2023
Don't miss the March 24, 2023 early-bird deadline for the CNS 2023 Annual Conference!
CNS invites you to join us at our upcoming 2023 CNS Annual Conference taking place in Québec City at the Québec City Convention Centre from May 4-6, 2023! Our multi-facted program features informative plenaries, concurrent sessions, abstract posters, awards and valuable networking opportunities.
February 16, 2023
Great big crunch
THE GREAT BIG CRUNCH is a Canada-wide movement and annual moment of anti-silence in which students, teachers, parents and others passionate about food join the food movement and crunch into apples (or other crunchy fruit or vegetable) to make noise for healthy school food.
February 14, 2023
New! Dementia Resources Eating, Activity, and Meaningful inclusion (DREAM) website
The DREAM website, learning modules, and resources were co-developed by a team of persons with dementia, care partners, researchers, community service providers, and health care professionals working towards a goal of allowing persons with dementia to live as well as they can.
February 3, 2023
Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunity - The role of nutrition in medical education in Canada
The Canadian Nutrition Society (CNS) is recruiting a Postdoctoral Fellow for September 2023 for two years to support the creation and delivery of a medical nutrition education initiative (NutriMEd).The application deadline is Monday, February 13, 2023.